Follow Up On: The Strange Disappearance of Malaysian Flight 370

Where oh where is flight three seven oh?
Oh where oh where did it go? 
Is it now in the hands of friends or foe?
How long will it be ‘til we know?

It’s been over a week now, and we don’t know, or at least been told, much more than we did a week ago.  I speculated last Sunday (March 9th) about what might have happened, and then after we (I) learned more, I did and update post on Saturday (yesterday).  I assumed that maybe the flight had landed at a remote commercial airfield or an old military base somewhere between Mynamar and Iran, or possibly, it might have landed on the Andaman Islands or gone down in the ocean in that area.

Further information today suggests Flight 370 could have taken a WNW route and possibly gotten as far as Iran if it flew at flight level 350 or 390 for example.  If fully fueled at takeoff, it could have flown several thousand more miles after it made it’s turn to the west.  If it did head toward Afghanistan, Pakistan or Iran, it could have landed at any number of airports. If I was in charge of the search, I would check airports in southern Iran and Pakistan, and I would certainly check Konarok (ZBR), a 2-runway airport with the longest runway (09L-27R) at 12,500 ft and the shorter one (09R-27L) at 9,800feet.  Konarok is in the far SE of Iran near the sea and provides ample runway for a 777, but there is no adequate hangar there, as is the case of most low-traffic or remote airfields which would otherwise be practical landing sites.

If Flight 370 took a different route to the SW, it could have landed at Cocos Keeling Islands Airport (CCK), about 690 n-miles SW of Jakarta.  The 8,000 ft. runway would be shorted than desired and a little tricky, but the plane could possibly be stopped before going in the drink.  Another 1,500+ miles west would put the plane at Diego Garcia (13/31) with a 12,000 ft runway and two possible hangars.  Looks good eh?

If the objective was to crash Flight 370 in a remote and deep part of the Indian Ocean, then anywhere around this part of the ocean between Cocos and Diego Garcia Islands and south of there are places where the depth is between 5,000 and 5,900 feet.  This would be a good place if the object was to sink a plane in a place where it would be difficult to recover.  The mystery of the “Disappearance of flight 370” could be a long time in solving.

There are other speculations, some possible, others not, all guesses as to what happened to MH-370.  These WAGS’s are as follows:

1 – Flight 370 was hijacked and is hidden at some remote airport to be used for some well planned, disastrous attack on a key target area affecting the maximum asset destruction possible.

2- The plane was hijacked for a purpose (see #1 above) but control was lost, or it was flown at a low altitude and ran out of fuel, and crashed into the ocean on the way to it intended destination.

3 – The plane took a northerly route, and for similar reasons to #2 above, crashed into the jungles or the mountains, possibly in the Hymilayan Mountains.

4- Russia shot down Flight 370 to occupy the media and draw attention away from the occupation, attacks on and taking over Crimea in the Ukraine this week.

5 – The Chinese military shot the plane down as a test to demonstrate their range and accuracy.

6 – Most probably, the disappearance of Flight 370 was and “inside job” executed by the flight-deck crew and directed by Muslim hierarchy in their on-going effort to subvert their arch enemies, the Christian and Jewish people of the world and to inflate their egos and intentions to dominate the World and rid it of infidels.

7 – You can see my #1 explanation in my post on Sunday, 9 March, but I won’t repeat it here as it was a joke.

And now on a serious note, I say again and sincerely mean:  Our thoughts, hearts and prayers go out to the families and friends of those assumed lost or detained in this tragedy, and we hope for a miracle and their safe return. Our thanks also go to those diligently trying to solve this mystery and that they may achieve success soon.

Indian Occean Map Flight 370 Possible Paths

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